The Collector in All of Us

These are strange times indeed. The entire world is living in a new way with a pandemic ensuing around us and economic challenges facing us. We may even be dealing with health concerns of our own or those of a loved one.

However, if that immediate health concern isn’t pressing on us at the moment, we should take a step back and be thankful for what we have around us and give a thought to our mental well being. The pressures of living in social isolation and social distancing can take its toll. After all, we are social beings.

But take a moment to think about what makes you happy.

For many people, including myself, collecting certain things is what makes us happy. Many people who visit vintage shows are collectors like myself. There’s no rhyme or reason to the art of collecting but it’s the simple pleasure of scoring a unique item that brings those endorphins gushing!!

It could be vintage china, antique furniture or vintage clothing. Collection of vintage clothing is a wonderful hobby, if I do say so myself! The satisfaction of finding the right piece that suits you and that has a history behind it makes the piece extra special. Collecting vintage clothes is like collecting pieces of art. Each piece makes its own unique statement.

As a collector, special pieces in your collection are taken care of and stand the test of time and so we don’t throw these items out without thought. We take care of them. And in these times when there’s increased anxiety about our health and safety maybe we do need to take a moment and return to our treasures! Wear that dress and use that antique tea cup … because it is what makes us happy and a happy spirit will be the medicine that gets us through this!


Caring for Vintage Clothing


How to get the most out of buying vintage clothing online